Gal Gadot starred in an action-packed spy movie titled ‘Heart of Stone’

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Gal Gadot Heart of Stone action movie
Gal Gadot

The premise of this Netflix spy thriller, directed by the BAFTA-nominated Tom Harper, is finally revealed as its release approaches. In Netflix’s Heart of Stone, Gal Gadot plays Rachel Stone, a highly-trained secret agent for MI6, the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service. But Stone is living more than one life, and also working for a covert peacekeeping organization.

The film is said to be the start of a Mission: Impossible-style franchise, with Gadot taking on a 007 persona. And the trailer promises plenty of high-octane action.

Heart of Stone also stars Jamie Dornan as Gadot’s boss at the MI6, and Alia Bhatt, making her Hollywood debut as a hacker who derails Stone’s mission.

Heart of Stone will premiere on Netflix on August 11.

Watch The Trailer below;

Author: Maxwell